Daily Archives: February 1, 2016

Lots of Preliminary Meetings!

So far I haven’t really gotten much “accomplished” yet with my SIP but I sincerely underestimated the amount of meetings I would have to have before even working with the kids during my SIP.

Having to have so many meetings just to get a plan started really makes me frustrated because I can see clearly where I want to go but I need to follow the steps. I tend to be a BIG PICTURE thinker and I want to skip over the little details but as a leader I will need to make sure everyone has what they need to get to where I already jumped to in my head. I’m not typically a “get all my ducks in a row” person when I get really excited I just want to jump right in! So, I guess what I’m learning as I get started is that the plan I laid out in my paper for Dr. B did not have NEARLY as many preliminary meetings as what it is actually taking to get this project off the ground. First, I needed to meet with the Minority Achievement Coordinator and explain my mission and vision. Then we needed to contact an outside organization to come in and play soccer with the kids. Then we needed to talk to the ELA/Reading Department and make sure we aren’t inviting the same kids to our after school program who are already being targeted for an Act 2 class. Also, we needed to get our principal to agree to sending home a letter to parents about our after school program.

Finally, Snowzilla happened and we’ve had to reschedule some of these meetings so… Yikes! I thought we’d be starting this after school program this week but I’m not even sure letters have gone home. In the future, I will have the students picked for this program and targeted by the end of the FIRST QUARTER not the end of the second quarter.